Sunday, September 13, 2009

the happiest moments are simple

my husband wrote this today, and he wanted me to share it.  i think it is absolutely beautiful.  my dear ryan, i love you so very much.

The Best Day of my Life (so far):

Today was the best day of life. There are quite a few reasons this might have been true. My beautiful wife and daughter are happy and healthy, I just got a new job, I'm building a new 'dream rig' super-geek computer, we just had a great vacation to see our friends and family back in MN, but none of these big things are the reason. Today we went out for a wonderful brunch, took a peaceful nap together, played together at Monkey Joe's (a bouncy-castle amusement park), and Ann and I even won Audrey a plush toy playing skee-ball and some Buck Rogers version of roulette-for-tickets, but none of these little things are the reason either. The reason this is the best day of my life is a single thought I had about twenty minutes ago. We can have a day like today whenever we want. I grew up in a family where days like today, family vacations, and even simple affections were a rare and wonderful thing. I now have a family where these are not only possible, they are almost prosaic. Somehow that doesn't diminish their sweetness even one tiny bit. Just yesterday Audrey said 'bye-bye da-da' for the first time in her life and it almost broke my heart. What I realized twenty minutes ago is that these are not isolated occurrences.. Ann, Audrey and I can have a perfect day anytime we want, whether we're on vacation or just sitting at home watching Sprout. Yesterday was the best day of my life (so far) as well. I think tomorrow will be too.


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