Saturday, September 26, 2009

starting over

well, *sigh*, i failed.  after we came back from vacation i just quit.  and i had been doing so well!!!  alas, such is life.  since then i have just let all the other good work i had been doing go by the wayside as well- the chores, the healthy eating, all of it!  gone.  i am so very disappointed in myself.  this is the perpetual cycle that i find myself in.  i do so well for a time, but then i go off track, WAY off track, and set myself back worse than i was in the first place.  i know that i'm really hard on myself, but i've been doing this over and over for so many years, i can't help but be frustrated with my own stupidity.

so tomorrow i am starting fresh.  i am determined to do it this time!!  i'm not setting any lofty goals, but rather a few small, manageable pounds at a time.  i am going to track all of my calories and weigh in each day.  i always like to think that i can achieve these goals without these tedious steps, but even though i know better, i don't stick to the goals i set unless i keep track of every little thing.  boo hiss.  so here we are at the beginning again.

tomorrow morning i will start with a weigh-in for the diet, and a basal temperature taken for my fertility tracking.  it's amazing how many great tools i have at my disposal that i don't use on a regular basis.  i will keep blogging because i really enjoy it.  that's where i'm at right now.

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