Saturday, August 29, 2009

we're all a little bleary-eyed

uffda!  ryan came back from his business trip at 2 in the morning.  i would know, i was still awake.  i wasn't planning on staying up to say hello, but then i got to watching some dumb movie that went until 1am, so i figured i might as well wait a bit longer, as he was due home any minute.  turns out he shut his phone off, took his sweet time, and stopped off for a cup of coffee because he figured that no one would be awake anyway.  harumph!  but, short night aside, i woke up and made cinnamon rolls, and we all ate breakfast together as a family.  audrey was grinning from ear to ear to have her daddy home again.  i ♥love♥ moments like that.  we also took a wonderful family nap together and decided that in the afternoon we would head out somewhere yet to be determined.  had i only known...

at 4, i suggested a walk together instead of going anywhere to spend money; ry agreed.  we made it a few blocks down the street when we had to loop around the block to get back home.  ryan had forgotten to take his inhaler.  no matter, i figured at some point he would peel off and head home (either with or without audrey), and i would finish my 2 miles for the day.  so we started out from home again for a second time.  a few blocks later, we stopped again, this time because his back was hurting him.  he headed home and audrey and i continued on.  i figured that it was probably from spending the week in a hotel with a crappy bed and being trapped in an airplane for 8 hours yesterday.

little one and i trooped along the path that i had developed on a walking-route-planning website that measured a little more than 2 miles.  the path was as close as i could map out to my current distance goal, while still maintaining a route i could remember on a regular basis.  i also wore my hr monitor watch for calorie tracking and my pedometer for distance.  i just got a brand new pedometer, so i wanted to see if it would come to the same result as the website.  between the loop back around with ry and following the path i mapped out, the pedometer read that i had taken 5,600 steps.  that seems about right since 2,000 steps is supposed to equal a mile.  i ended up burning 300 calories too!!  not too shabby!!  i did feel a little guilty about making audrey stare off at nothing for an hour while i zoned out with my ipod.  (i know, i worry about things a little too much.)  but when i pulled the stroller into our garage and looked down at her, she was happy as a clam, gnawing away on my waterbottle.  i am the epitamy of quality parenting ;)

days remaining:  32

i thought that we would walk in the house, cook a nice dinner, and have a quiet evening.  after all, i had finished my exercise for the day by 5pm!!  like i said earlier, little did i know....  we came home to find poor ryan lying down, his back in full spasm, and he in excruciating pain.  yikes!!  long story short, audrey ate dinner in the waiting room at urgent care with me while ry got an ekg and a prescription for muscle relaxers.  thank goodness we are all together safe and sound again.  i am pretty exhausted, so there are still toys strewn all over the floor that need to be picked up, and i am in desperate need of the double stuf oreos that await me in the pantry.  i've got food network on the tv and my feet up on the coffee table.  housework can wait.

i hope my ry feels better soon.

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