Thursday, August 27, 2009

can you believe it?

days remaining:  34

5 days!! i have excercised for 5 days straight!  it's been a LONG time since that has happened, although it has indeed previously happened (♪♫ once upon a dream...♪♫).  it was a pretty easy day today, no strenuous resistance or anything.  i was on a pretty tight schedule this evening.  alas, my priorities are a bit skewed, but i had to squeeze in the workout between the new episode of ace of cakes, a shower, and the new episode of project runway.  these are important things people!!  i even crapped out on doing the dishes and finishing the load of laundry i had going to get my workout in- let me tell you how difficult those duties were to shirk....

on an unnaturally positive note, i have been feeling really good this week!  i snuck another trip to the scale, and i think that i'm going to be pleased with the results when i weigh in on sunday.  admittedly though, i have been cheating a little with ryan gone- treats keep me company when he's away.  i found a new favorite ice cream:  haagen dazs reserve, fleur de sel caramel.  CARAMEL + SEA SALT = DELICIOUS!  i am definitely a fan of the salty/sweet combination.  it's really nice to know that because i have been working out more, a small dish of ice cream isn't going to reverse all my good work.  treats may not be the healthiest thing, but it's not realistic for me to not include them in my diet.  i am, after all, a dennis.

i am pretty excited about tomorrow too.  audrey and i are headed to a playdate up in wisconsin, and my wonderful hubby comes home (albeit well after midnight)!!!  this playdate has been in the planning since june and keeps getting put off for various reasons.  if you were to look at my kitchen calendar for the month of august it is littered with playdates scheduled and then crossed off again.  but, tomorrow is the day!!  i love spending days with my friends, but it really chaps me to have to give up my afternoon nap to do it.  i ♥♥♥ napping. if there were such a job as professional napper, i would be in heaven.  i just hope that i keep up my energy enough (sans nap) to do my 2 miles tomorrow.  no, no, no, no, NO!  wrong!!  i will do my 2 miles tomorrow without fail!!

(yawn)  although just thinking about naps is making me sleepy.  that, and it's nearly midnight.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......

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