Monday, August 24, 2009

day 1

2 miles....  accomplished!!

days remaining:  38

i had wanted to go for a walk outside today (it was beautiful), but the family decided to head out in the afternoon instead.  i honestly thought about NOT doing my 2 miles today, but i think that would be pretty sad to not even make your goals on the first day!!  so there i was, puffing along on the elliptical at 11:30pm, studying a new cookbook that i aquired. 

i can't decide if it's funny or sad that i am so out of shape that barely a trot gets my heart rate up into my target hr zone for burning fat.  the only part of me that broke a sweat the entire time was my inner elbows from holding up the cookbook.  but, even though i didn't feel like i was doing much at the time, i am feeling a surge of energy now, and i burned 122 calories!!  a sad drop in the bucket in the long run, but it's a start, and that's 122 more calories than yesterday.

we have a trip upcoming to minneapolis for a wedding and to visit friends.  i am a little nervous that i'll skip my walks.  i won't have my computer with me to blog about it either.  well, i may have the computer, but no internet to speak of.  how can people live without it?!  since i am aware of it now, perhaps with proper planning, i can map out a walking route.  is there a website for that?  hmmm...

with these mind-boggling thoughts i sign out for the evening.  there are more new books to be read!!

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